Learning Support & Differentiated Learning
We understand that all children have different learning needs. Within a single class, a vast array of different learning abilities and preferred learning styles exist.
Whilst we use the Australian Curriculum as the basis for planning our teaching and learning programs, we acknowledge that we cannot be constrained by this curriculum. In order to cater for children of different learning abilities, we modify teaching approaches and content.
At Our Lady of Hope, we are committed to ensure that we provide the necessary curriculum support and extension, in order to ensure that all children are able to successfully access the curriculum and reach their potential.
We offer the following support structures and programs to support classroom teachers in differentiating learning for our students:

Grasshoppers is an early intervention, gross motor skills program offered to our Reception students. All students are tested on their gross motor skills in their first term at school. A fun and skills based program is then offered to those who need further practise in this area.
ESO Support:
At Our Lady of Hope, we are privileged to have four full time Education Support Officers (ESOs), who work in classrooms and support children with their learning.
Reading and Phonics Support (RAPS):
We have a goal that no child should leave the Early Years classes not knowing how to read independently. The RAPS program, facilitated by our Reading Coordinator, aims to assist children from Years 1-3 in developing their reading and comprehension skills.
Numeracy Support Programs:
We offer learning support programs to our Year 2-6 students. These programs focus on providing extra support for children in order to develop their basic number skills and understanding.
Numeracy Extension Programs:
Numeracy extension programs are also offered for children who require extra challenges in Maths. These programs are coordinated and run by our Key Numeracy Teacher with the support of our Educational Support Officers and classroom teachers.
Inclusive Education Coordinator:
The Deputy Principal coordinates and oversees the Inclusive Education program. As part of this role, the Deputy Principal works with consultants from the Catholic Education Office, outside professionals (Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists etc.), families and staff in order to develop Individual Learning Plans and programs to support children with specific learning needs.
Key Literacy Teacher:
We employ a Key Literacy teacher to support teachers with delivering their literacy programs. The Key Literacy Teacher works with classes in order to provide extra support with the development of writing, spelling and grammar skills.
Key Numeracy Teacher:
Our Lady of Hope employs a Key Numeracy Teacher to support teachers in delivering their Numeracy programs. The Key Numeracy teacher also oversees all of our Numeracy support and extension programs.
Personal Responsibility Key Teacher:
Our Personal Responsibility Key Teacher provides extra support and explicit social skills teaching for children who experience difficulties managing the social aspects of school life. This work is also supported by the School Leadership Team and the School Chaplain.
School Chaplain:
At Our Lady of Hope, we have a School Chaplain who works every Monday and Thursday. The School Chaplain offers a warm and welcoming environment for children and parents to visit in order to discuss any issues or concerns they might be having either within the school or at home. The School Chaplain runs support programs that enable children to develop positive relationships within the school environment. Click here for more information.
School Counsellor:
Our School Counsellor is available for both students and families who require support with issues or concerns they might be having within the school environment or family setting. The Counsellor is within easy reach on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Click here for the referral form.