Transition Programs

We understand that a successful transition program can make a big difference to how comfortable your child will feel on their first day at school. And so, we offer transition visits for all of our new students and are happy to tailor an individual transition program to suit your child.

Term 1 Reception Transition

Each year in Term 4, we offer two compulsory transition sessions for all of our Reception children who will be starting the following year.

Term 3 Reception Transition

Each year in Term 2, we offer two compulsory transition sessions for all of our Reception children who will be starting mid year.

  • Extra transition sessions can also be arranged with the school for those children who need this and, where required, teachers will visit Kindergartens in order to meet children.
  • This in addition to our STARS program.

What is the STARS Program?

The Student Transition and Readiness for School (STARS) is an optional pre-school program offered to all children, who are enrolled in Reception at Our Lady of Hope School, for one morning per week.

Facilitated by a teacher and a co-educator, the program is a mix of play-based activities and structured learning that helps children become familiar with school routines, class room settings, expectations and the wider school community. They also get the opportunity to explore and form new friendships with other children.

STARS runs for 12 months prior to children starting Reception, regardless of when they start Reception - either from the beginning of Semester 1 or Semester 2.

Further information about our STARS program will be provided once your child has been offered a place, and the Acceptance of Enrolment form has been returned.

If you would like to know more about STARS please ph 82898344 or email

Transition in Other Year Levels

When children are commencing in a year level other than Reception at the beginning of a school year, they will be invited along for two to three transition sessions in Term 4 of the previous year.

These transition sessions help children to become familiar with the school environment and also assist them with getting to know other students in their year level.

In the final transition session, the children will spend 45 minutes meeting their teacher and class for the following year.

When children commence during the course of a school year, transition visits will be offered to the children prior to their commencement. The timing and length of these transition visits are negotiated between the family and the school.

Extra Transition Sessions

We recognise that some children may take a little bit longer to settle into a new school environment and may need extra transition sessions. Where this is the case, we will negotiate with families in order to develop a transition program that suits the child. These transition programs can take the form of extra visits prior to starting school or, alternatively, we can negotiate for children to start schooling on a part time basis whereby they attend school for only part of the day, then slowly build up to full days when they are ready.

Please don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions about our transition programs.