Our Fees
Our Lady of Hope is committed to making its educational offerings affordable and available to all families, regardless of their background and financial means.
As a Catholic school, we rely on a contribution from parents in the way of school fees, in order to enable us to offer high quality educational services.
Our current annual fees are displayed on this website. The fees include all tuition, books, stationery excursions etc. The only additional cost for families would be uniform, overnight camps and optional extra-curricular activities. Discounts are offered for each subsequent child.
Payment of school fees can be tailored to suit individual family circumstances. Fees can be paid either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Fees can be paid via direct debit, cash, cheque, credit card, Bpay, Centrepay and direct deposit.
Generous remission is offered for low income families. Please see our Fee Schedule.
If Our Lady of Hope is your school of choice but you feel that the school fees are an issue for your family, then please come in and see us and we will work with you to make our school a genuine and affordable option for your child.
We will not deny an enrolment because of a family struggle to meet fee commitments; however, we always ask that families make some contribution towards fees, as they are able. In these situations, we can arrange a confidential meeting between the parents and our Principal and School Bursar.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions about fees or enrolment at Our Lady of Hope school.
A copy of our School Fee policy and current Fee Schedule can be located below.